Templates & Projects

How To Delete A Personalized Video Template Or Project

Deleting a personalized video template or interactive video project is a really easy and fast way of deleting all the videos created with a template.

In this article, you’ll learn how to delete or remove a template from your account.

Things to know

Here are some key things you should know before deleting a personalized video template:

  • Personalized video templates can be activated o deactivated with a click.
  • Once a template has been deleted, you cannot recover analytics data (Intelligence) or any other files or information associated with the template, including all the videos created with the template.
  • Once a template has been deleted, make sure that no third-party automation is connected to it as this will bring several errors on the third-party tool.
  • Deleting a template cannot be undone.

Steps to delete a template or project from your account

There are two ways to delete a template using Pirsonal’s UI:

Option 1

  1. Log in into your account.
  2. Go to Templates.
  3. Find the personalized video template you want to delete.
  4. Hover the template you want to delete, click on the three dots under the Actions column (Actions menu) and click “Delete”.
  5. You’ll be asked to confirm this action. Please remember that all the videos hosted in Pirsonal will be deleted when deleting the template. This action cannot be undone.
    How to delete a personalized video template using the actions menu in Pirsonal

Option 2

  1. Log in into your account.
  2. Go to Templates.
  3. Find and select the personalized video template you want to delete.
  4. Click on the Trash icon.
  5. You’ll be asked to confirm this action. Please remember that all the videos hosted in Pirsonal will be deleted when deleting the template. This action cannot be undone.
    Deleting a personalized video template using the trash icon
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