Templates & Projects

How To Export A Personalized Video Template In JSON Format

Pirsonal is a personalized video marketing solution that automatically edits videos at scale. Video templates define the look and feel of these videos.

Behind the scenes, Pirsonal’s video editing software uses JSON to describe the characteristics of a template. We call this JSON Pirsonal Script.

A programmable video template in JSON includes the following:

  • Objects or layers: Video, image, audio, text, and rectangle.
  • Events and effects: Fade-in, fade-out, zoom-in, zoom-out, and move-to.
  • Properties: Play, duration, media trim, size, position, and more.
  • Expressions: An expression is an evaluable formula with some return value. Expressions can use the following usual arithmetic operators: +, -, *, or /.
  • Variables: These are identified as a string prepended with the dollar symbol (ie: $variable1). Variables are assigned at video creation time (API method Template_Video_New). Variable types are number or boolean depending on the property.

Pirsonal Script is really flexible as you can also use it in conjunction with Pirsonal’s video editing API to add and update templates for personalized videos on the fly.

In this article, you’ll learn the steps to export the JSON of a personalized video template, regardless if you are using Pirsonal’s Pirsonal Editor or Pirsonal Script.

Steps To Export A Video Template’s JSON or Pirsonal Script

Users can easily modify, duplicate and export the JSON or Pirsonal Script of a personalized video template from Pirsonal’s UI or using Pirsonal’s API.

To export this JSON, follow these steps:

From Pirsonal Editor

  1. Go to My Templates.
  2. Find the template you want to export.
  3. Under the Actions column, click on the three gray dots.
  4. Select “Edit with Pirsonal Editor”.
  5. Login to Pirsonal Editor.
  6. Click on the “Source Code” tab.
  7. Copy the complete JSON content you’ll find.

From Pirsonal Script

  1. Go to My Templates.
  2. Find the template you want to export.
  3. Under the Actions column, click on the three gray dots.
  4. Select “Edit with Pirsonal Script”.
  5. Copy the complete JSON content you’ll find under the “SCRIPT” section.

From Pirsonal’s API

If you are using Pirsonal’s video editing API, you can use the following API methods:

  • Access all the information related to the templates in your account with Template_List.
  • Update an existing personalized video template with Template_Update.

Need help with this? Simply email help@pirsonal.com to reach out to our support team. Here are here to help!

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