When Pirsonal creates an interactive video or a personalized video, it automatically creates a Pirsonal Page for the new content. Pirsonal Pages is Pirsonal’s dynamic landing pages system.
Pirsonal allows you to create a fully personalized landing page for each video. Since the content of Pirsonal Pages can be updated, this content can be dynamic.
How to Get the Landing Page URL
If you run on a standard account, your Pirsonal Pages base URL is https://vid.pirsonal.com followed by “/” and then followed by the video ID. This is: https://vid.pirsonal.com/VIDEO-ID-GOES-HERE.
This means that you can use this URL structure to populate the video ID so that your contacts can access their personalized or interactive video.
Let’s see this within an example for sample video ID “1234567890”. In this, the Pirsonal Page URL will be: https://vid.pirsonal.com/1234567890. Use this link to share the video by email, WhatsApp, SMS or any other messaging system.
If you run on a custom environment, please contact support to double-check your landing pages’ base URL.